Saturday, April 18, 2009

Recording Gifts (or Gratitude) and other things

I've decided that I don't enjoy posting the things I am grateful for here. I don't know why, except that I am, in some ways, a pretty private person. Someone could learn a lot about me by noticing what I am grateful for.

I am keeping an interesting list, though. At night, in a simple composition book, I write down these lists on a single page: "What I Did," "What I Didn't Do," "To Do," "Gifts" and "Prayers."

I write the "What I Did" list to help me not waste time. If I discovered that I goofed off too much of the day, it helps me focus the next day.

"What I Didn't Do" can be either things I procrastinated on, or things that waste time that I avoided.

"To Do" is, of course, a list of things I need to do.

"Gifts" is a list of the good things in my life.

"Prayers" is a list of things to pray about or people to pray for. It isn't the only list I have, but I kept noticing that I was thinking of things to pray about while writing these other lists, so I include it.

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