Monday, January 24, 2011

Bible in 90 Days fourth week check-in with Mom's Toolbox


January 24, 2011

Again, I got a couple of days behind.

But I am still reading.

My plan is to make every effort to read at least 12 pages each day, but to really try to catch up by check in next week. That means I need to read the 12 pages a day, plus an additional 3 and a half pages. If I get a big chunk of time, I will read.

I am also doing a Bible study (BSF), so I am trying to keep up with that, too.

I don’t have a current blog post because I don’t feel like I have time to do that.

My husband is out of town this week, so that will add some challenges to my day.

If I stay on track (whether I make up the lost readings or not–if I do not get further behind) then I will know it is God’s doing! Is anything impossible for Him? No!

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