Monday, December 6, 2010

Reading the whole Bible in one year. No, make that almost three years.

I wrote before about reading the Bible in one year using the Discipleship Journal Book-at-a-Time plan. I started in 2008. I got very behind that summer and also had the feeling that I was too prideful about having read the whole Bible once and in the middle of reading it a second time. I finally filed the plan away.

I must have gained some humility, because I felt called to pull it out and try to finish it up. And I did finish it, just last night. By the grace of God alone! That is a big one for my 1000 Gifts List!

And now I am interested in reading the Bible in 90 Days. I have prayed about it. (I just have to be on guard for prideful attitude about it.) If I get this done, it will also be by the grace of God. And with the help of Amy at Mom's Toolbox.

I want to put the graphic from her site here, but I don't guess I know how! Meanwhile, I bought another Bible to help me:

I didn't really need another Bible, but this one should help!

Go to Amy's post here to see why she recommends this Bible. I was convinced.

1 comment:

Amy@ MomsToolbox said...

I am so excited that you will be reading the Bible in 90 days with us! And you were wise to get the official Bible for the program.. it really will help!