Monday, December 6, 2010

Multitudes on Monday; 1000 Gifts

* God who gives us a way back

* family's forgiveness after my anger yesterday

* husband who does mission work

* my son finally got his car and God, it is a good one! Thank you.

* quiet

* my new journal to record my gifts
 from Mardel's

My gifts lists are scattered about in several places, some numbered, some not. I am going to put them all in the journal above, number them and really commit to the practice of gratitude in my life.

I'm like the Israelites in the desert, complaining about what I don't have instead of being grateful for what I do have. Humble me, God. Forgive me, Father. Restore me.

Reading the whole Bible in one year. No, make that almost three years.

I wrote before about reading the Bible in one year using the Discipleship Journal Book-at-a-Time plan. I started in 2008. I got very behind that summer and also had the feeling that I was too prideful about having read the whole Bible once and in the middle of reading it a second time. I finally filed the plan away.

I must have gained some humility, because I felt called to pull it out and try to finish it up. And I did finish it, just last night. By the grace of God alone! That is a big one for my 1000 Gifts List!

And now I am interested in reading the Bible in 90 Days. I have prayed about it. (I just have to be on guard for prideful attitude about it.) If I get this done, it will also be by the grace of God. And with the help of Amy at Mom's Toolbox.

I want to put the graphic from her site here, but I don't guess I know how! Meanwhile, I bought another Bible to help me:

I didn't really need another Bible, but this one should help!

Go to Amy's post here to see why she recommends this Bible. I was convinced.